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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Modern Church's Struggle for Significance

The modern church seems to be struggling for significance in today's society. Unfortunately, this struggle for relevance is what has caused society to reject the church in the first place. When God's people began to look for ways to bring people in to their local gathering instead of ways to take God to the people, we put church in front of God.

One practice of the church (at least the one I grew up in) that I have come to dislike is the idea that we are obligated to go out and bring our friends to church. The church was formed as a gathering of believers. It is a support group of sorts for those of us who have accepted God's forgiveness and are seeking the fellowship of others who are living this life along with us. The Bible never said "... be ready always to invite your friends to church" it says "... be ready always to give an account to every man that asks you for a reason of the hope that is in you" (Summarized 1 Peter 3:15). Sharing Christ with those around us is done one on one, by people who deeply care for those around them. This is not to say we should turn away non-Christians, but when getting 'the lost' to come to church becomes our focus, it is we who are in the wrong.

As a church begins it's transition from Christ focused to self focused, you will start to see things like attendance tracking and fund raisers. A Christ focused church is unconcerned with how many people are attending their services. They do what they do because it is in line with Christ's teachings, not because it will make them popular in the community and net them more members. They know that God will provide for them just as easily with 10 people there as he will with 1,000.

I do not speak of this as one who has perfected it in my own life. I fall far short of the witness God would have me to be. I simply want to urge my fellow believers not to give into the idea that we can invite people to church and check the box that states we've done our Christian duty for the week. Being Christ to the people around you goes much deeper than that. Inviting a non-Christian to church may make you feel good, and it very well may make them feel good for attending, but good feelings don't wash away our sins.

If your church boasts of attendance, or urges you continually to bring your lost friends instead of speaking to them about Christ, please find another church. Find a pastor who preaches from God's word. Find a church that feeds believers and doesn't dwell on the simple, surface concepts of Christianity. Find a church that challenges beliefs you grew up with, but doesn't pretend to know everything. You will find that your faith grows, and your relationship with Jesus takes on a whole new light. My church here in Charlotte, NC is, but I know there are others all across the globe that teach, unashamedly, the gospel of Jesus.

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