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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Replace our government!

So I would like to put together a movement to replace our representation in Washington with people who will actually represent us. I don't care if they are Republican, Democrat, conservative, or liberal, we need to get these out-of-touch politicians out of office and replace them with people who are still in touch with the 'real world'. You can tell by the town hall meetings that routinely get completely out of hand, that these clowns have no idea what we regular Americans desire from our government. The rules that this movement will live by are simple: If you do not make every law based on our constitution, you will be voted out. If you pass any legislation without reading every single word yourself, you will be voted out. If you attach a single item to a bill that does not DIRECTLY pertain to the subject of the main bill, you will be voted out. And so on. I am so sick of the bloated pork filled bills that get passed by both sides of the isle. Most of the time, none of them even know what is in the bill that they're voting on! I am of the impression that we have too many people getting too comfortable in their seats in Congress and it's time to shake it up a bit. My goal is to present the voting habits of everyone in Congress it in a very simple way so that anyone can see right away if their representation needs to be replaced. If you feel the same way and want to help out, please leave me a comment. Let me know if you have tips, want to donate, can offer help, or just want to tell me it is a stupid idea. So far, they haven't gotten around to voting down free speech so it's all welcome here!


Bj said...

I'm so sick of them all I could puke! It's about time Americans demand all of what you wrote and more. And how about term limits, from the top to bottom? RU going to DC on 912?

typicalthrill said...

Thanks for the comments! I won't be making the trip to DC this time but I will do everything I can from here. I agree, it's time that we take our country back from the politicians. We need new blood in Washington that will accurately represent the people. Term limits would be a big step in the right direction.

Bj said...

For your reading pleasure Sir ~