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Tuesday, September 30, 2008


It's odd to me that Evolution is pretty much accepted as the definitive answer for how we all came to be here when there is so little evidence to support that. Now, when I speak of Evolution, I am speaking of the theory that life on earth started as a single cell and evolved into all the animals and plants we know and love today. This is absurd on so many levels.

Let's start with humanity. In order to believe that Evolution brought us into existence, we have to believe that Evolution got Homo Sapien right, not just once, but twice within a very short time span. And even then, it couldn't be just any human, it would have to be one male and one female human in order to further the species. Some may retort that over millions of years the progression was made from ape to human, but even with that theory you have to have a male and female evolving at the same pace to keep the species going. At some point, some being had to come into existence in an asexual way, but only be able to reproduce in a sexual way. At the same time, another such being of the opposite sex had to be available for that species to continue to exist. Not only that, but they had to be brought into existence within a very limited distance of each other in order to run into each other at some point in their life time.

The next level of fault I want to address is the fact that we have so many species out there. If Evolution is moving life on earth to a heightened state, why is everything so different? Wouldn't all life be moving towards a central, efficient, life form? If wings are the way to go, why don't I have wings?

All of that being said, I don't have a problem with survival of the fittest, or a species adapting to it's environment. I believe that the only "Evolution" that has ever actually happened has been adaptation, not Evolution at all. Now, I happen to be a Christian who believes that God made earth and everything in it in 7 - 24 hour days, however, if I find out somehow that 7 days in Genesis is really 7 million years, I don't have a problem with that either. I know that the only way Evolution would ever be possible, is if there is an outside force making changes and encouraging along the way. Otherwise, this earth would have reverted to chaos a long time ago. So if I find out that God created new life forms every 7 million years, I can take that in stride and not loose any sleep.

What bothers me about how society accepts the theory of Evolution is that they are basing their belief on scientist who are setting out to prove the theory, not looking at the evidence and coming to a conclusion. I have to laugh every time they hit a wall and the only way to get around it is to say, "looks like the earth is x number of million years older than we though!" What they are really saying is, "In order for this theory to work, we need to add more time. How much time do you want to add this time?" and then they add a few million years to the age of the earth. The fact is, the more time the earth has been here, the less likely that Evolution would get us to this point instead of dribbling into nothing. As easy as it is to say that Creationism can't be proven scientifically, the funny thing is, Evolution can't either!

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