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Thursday, February 12, 2009

American Spirit

I want to change the tone here for just a second. As I look around at all the crap going on the world right now, and specifically, in the United States, it would be easy to throw up my hands and give in and admit that the U.S. is going to become a communist country. However, although in many ways, our government continuously stabs us in the back, I think the vast majority of Americans still believe in the capitalist, American dream that has turned us in to the superpower that we are. I believe that most Americans still want the government to stick to protecting the country, building roads, and policing the streets. Otherwise, they would like the government to stay the heck out of their business! It makes me smile to see Americans thriving even in the economy we have now. Sure we have our pockets of liberals who are crying to the government to bail them out, but most Americans who have lost their jobs look at it as an opportunity to start fresh. Times like these are breeding grounds for innovation. The people who didn't have time to finish planning their life changing invention because they had to go to work everyday, suddenly have all the time in the world. Others who have been trying for years to finish writing that novel will finally get the chance. It really reminds me again of what makes me love the people of this country so much. We don't give up. As bad as things look now, somewhere in the back of our minds we know that all we have to do is keep moving and eventually it will get better. Don't loose hope America, and remember, only through the fire can the gold be refined.